Wednesday, March 11, 2009

{Field Trip}

Today Sasha's preschool class went on a field trip to Step By Step dance studio. A notice was sent home last week about the trip and stated that siblings could not come. However, since we missed the last few days of school last week, I didn't get that notice until Monday. Let me tell you, it is hard to find someone who is home during the day and can care for your child on short notice! I thought I would have to miss the field trip because no one I called was available.

Thank goodness for the MOMS Club! Last night I sent out an email begging for help. Wouldn't you know it, three people offered to take Clara so I could be with Sasha. These ladies are absolutely wonderful people; how blessed I am to be a part of this club and to call so many awesome moms my friends!

So Clara ended up going with my friend Sara to the roller rink for their toddler play time. Thank you Sara SO MUCH for taking her with you! I'm sure she had a great time and I'm grateful that I could share this field trip with Sasha.

Sasha has been taking dance lessons at a different dance studio for three years, so nothing they did today was new for her. But she still had a great time! The teachers played lots of cute songs and had the kids do various movements and activities. The kids have done a great job learning how to stand in line and wait their turn. (My apologies to the darling who just happens to be scratching her nose in this picture.)In this shot, Sasha is balancing a bean bag on her head while marching across the room. Some of the kids were hilarious during this activity - they would either be super serious or would run to the other side as fast as they could. Sasha simply did exactly what she was told and marched like a good little soldier.
At the end of their dance time, they all got together and gave each other hugs. It was adorable! I missed the hugs, but managed to get this cute shot of Sasha and two of her friends looking happy. (My apologies to the dear girl digging in her shorts. Hey, it happens!)
I love taking pictures of Sasha with her classmates because I know how fun it will be to look back at them when she's older. I have a few pictures of my preschool class from way back when, and it's neat to see how people have changed over the years. I'm sure Sasha will treasure these captured moments, too.
We're off for Sasha's real dance class soon - what a day!

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